Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Grandparents Rock

This week I have gotten a lot of grandparent time. I really like them. My grandma CZ loves to go shopping, at least that's what they call it. I think they just like to wake me up by holding clothes up to me and asking if they will fit... eesh. My grandpa CZ is silly, look at him putting his hat on me. My grammy loves to rock me all evening long. Grampy sings to me the whole time that he holds me. He always gets "Kayleigh's Rag Time Band" stuck in my head after I play with him. I could not ask for better grandparents, they are SO fun!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kayleigh--how cute you are in black--I like black too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kayleigh,

These are some of the real lyrics to Irving Berlin's song that I sing to you. Enjoy!!!

Come on and hear! Come on and hear! Al-ex-an-der's rag-time band!

Come on and hear! Come on and hear! It's the best band in the land!

They can play a bu-gle call like you nev-er heard be-fore

So nat-u-ral that you want to go to war

That's just the best-est band what am, oh, ma hon-ey lamb

Come on a-long, come on a-long, let me take you by the hand

Up to the man, up to the man, who's the lead-er of the band

And if you care to hear the Swa-nee Riv-er played in rag-time

Come on and hear, come on and hear,
Al-ex-an-der's Rag-Time Band.